


Nashville Chapter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society


The Tennessee Ornithological Society was founded in Nashville on October 7, 2015.   In 1924, with the formation of the East Tennessee Ornithological Society in Knoxville, TOS began to diversify into separate chapters and from there forth we became known as the Nashville Chapter of The Tennessee Ornithological Society (NTOS).  NTOS encourages the continuing study of birds, maintains records of bird sightings, engages in educational activities, and promotes the protection of birds and bird habitat.

Members participate in monthly meetings, held the 3rd Thursday of each month at Radnor Lake State Park and we participate in three TOS State meetings each calendar year.  NTOS holds seasonal bird counts in the spring and fall and has participated in Audubon’s Annual Christmas bird count since 1915.  Other activities include monthly field trips, spring and fall migration Wednesday morning bird walks, assistance with bird banding research, educational outreach programing and bird conservation efforts.

NTOS welcomes the participation of birders of all ages, interests, and backgrounds.

Officer and Board of Directors

President – Cyndi Routledge – routledges@bellsouth.net

1st Vice President & Program Coordinator – Susie Russenberger susierussenberger@comcast.net

2nd Vice President & Field Trip Coordinator – Mike Smith – ms722@bellsouth.net

Secretary – Margie Dunhammargiedunham@comcast.net

Treasurer – Pam Lasley – plasley@comcast.net

Curator – Susan Hollyday – sshollyday@gmail.com

State Directors:

2020-2022 – Angie Elmore and Ken Oeser

2021-2023 – Amy Pardo, Jerry Webb and Hugh Barger

Committee Chairs:

Media Coordinator – Angie Elmore – angie.w.elmore@gmail.com

Finance – Pam Lasley – plasley@comcast.net

Membership – Steve Routledge – eyerout@bellsouth.net

Legislative Affairs – Melinda Welton – melinda.welton@icloud.com

Meeting Minutes

Nashville and State


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