Field Trip – November 18th: Woods Reservoir Boat Tour (near Tullahoma)

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NTOS member Jeffrey Cowell has graciously offered to organize a boat tour of Woods Reservoir aboard his pontoon boat during mid-November, which is right when waterfowl migration kicks into high gear.  We will spend several hours on the water searching for newly arriving migrants.  The trip is open to NTOS members, and will be limited to 10 participants, which will be filled on a first-come, first serve basis.  We will go out on the water in two shifts so that everyone has a chance to participate.  The first group will go out at 9:00 am, and the next group will go out at 12:30pm.  As participants sign up, they will be added to one of the two trips, and an email will be sent prior to the trip notifying everyone which trip they will be on.  The boat will leave from the Morris Ferry Boat Dock at 99-79 Morris Ferry Dock Rd, Estill Springs, TN.  A few notes: dress in layers; it can be much colder on the water. There are no restrooms on site although you can use Jeffrey’s camp if it’s an emergency.  If you have a life jacket, please bring one.  (Contact information:  Please include “Woods Reservoir Boat Trip” in the subject line.)

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