March 23, 2024 – Bledsoe State Park Field Trip

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Join Tim Loyd for an early spring outing to explore
Bledsoe Creek State Park located just east of Gallatin.
Bledsoe Creek packs a lot of different habitats into a rela-
tively small area, making it one of the top birding destina-
tions in Sumner County. It contains a mix of bottomland
forest, a small marsh, open water, and upland forest, all
easily accessible via the network of trails that crisscross
the park. We will meet at 7:00 at the recently constructed
visitor center and start by working our way along the rela-
tively flat lakeshore trail, before heading up a short, but
steep and somewhat strenuous incline to an area of up-
land forest bordered by a large pasture. The trail then me-
anders through the woods and ultimately back down to
the visitor center. The total distance is approx. 2.8 miles
and we should wrap up late in the morning. Please dress
inlayers, and wear appropriate footwear. (Contact infor-
mation: Please include “NTOS
Field Trip” in the subject line).

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