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We will continue our annual tradition of visiting Duck River just before the seasonal closure of the refuge.  By mid-November, hordes of geese and ducks should be returning to the refuge, and we have the chance to spot over 20 species.  Duck River also hosts a large population of wintering raptors and we’ll be on the lookout for eagles, harriers, hawks, and falcons.  Duck River is also very good for sparrows, and we’ll have the chance to find at least 10 species – we will have an optional sparrow stomp though some marshy fields for LeConte’s sparrow and others.  For logistical reasons, carpooling is highly encouraged.  We’ll meet at the MTA Park-and-Ride in Bellevue and leave at 6:15am; you can also meet us at the refuge entrance at 8:00am.  Please dress for the weather and bring plenty of water and snacks.  If you wish to participate in the sparrow stomp, waterproof shoes or muck boots are highly recommended.  We should finish up around mid-day or early afternoon.  (Contact information:  Please include “NTOS Field Trip” in the subject line.)

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