Saturday, May 28th – Fort Campbell with Daniel Moss

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**Recent geopolitical events have made this a tentative trip as this field trip takes place on an active military installation.  We will provide updates via TN-Birds, Facebook, and the NTOS website as we get closer to confirm if this field trip will take place.

Come join Daniel Moss as he leads us through the back country of Fort Campbell in search of the special species that call this active army post home.  Fort Campbell offers unique habitats within our region the most notable of which is one of the largest remaining tracts of native tallgrass prairie in the eastern U.S., known as The Barrens, and part of the vast Pennyroyal Plain which once covered approximately 3.7 million acres of western Kentucky and north central Tennessee.  In addition to the expected breeding birds, our main targets will be Bell’s Vireo, Henslow’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Dickcissel, and perhaps even Bachman’s Sparrow.  The trip should last about half the day.  Please dress for the weather, and make sure to bring plenty of water and insect repellent!

We will meet at 7:00 a.m. at the former Ft. Campbell hunting and fishing station parking lot located at the corner of Lafayette Rd. and 101st Airborne Division Rd. where we will meet up with Daniel.  DO NOT proceed to any of the birding destinations on your own.

Special Notes regarding this trip – the trip is limited to 10 participants, and will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis.  I will begin with those who were on the waitlist from last year.  NO cameras are permitted, and I need to provide a list of names to Daniel ahead of time, so if you wish to participate, please email with the heading “Ft. Campbell NTOS Field Trip”.

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