TOS Annual Spring Meeting – Make your plans…

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2023 TOS State Spring Meeting – Nashville, April 28-30, 2023

THE SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER AND KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY NOAH STRYCKER IS SOLD OUT.  We still have plenty of room for the Friday night reception, Saturday and Sunday field trips and the Merlin/eBird ‘how-to” seminar at Beaman Park on Saturday at 2 pm.

We are pleased to announce that the Nashville chapter of TOS will be hosting the Annual Spring TOS State Meeting, April 28-30, 2023. Friday night registration and reception will be held at the conference hotel, The Hampton Inn Ashland City, from 5-7:30 pm. The Saturday afternoon board meeting will be held at Bells Bend Outdoor Center at 4187 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville, 37218

The Hampton Inn Ashland City is located at 1609 Hwy 12 South, Ashland City, 37015. Phone: 615-845-1609 The hotel is reserving a block of rooms for TOS members through March 28, 2023 at a special rate of $139 for King or Queen. Link to reserve your room here: Tennessee Ornithological Society (  If you call for reservation, please mention that you are a TOS member and confirm the special rate. Breakfast is included.

The Saturday night reception and program will be held at the Green Door Gourmet, 7007 River Road Pike, Nashville, 37209. This farm-to-table venue has ties to TOS, as it is the home of Albert Ganier III and his wife, Sylvia, grandchildren of one of the TOS founders, Albert Ganier Sr.  Happy Hour will be from 4:30-6 pm with a cash bar. You will be able to browse and shop at the Green Door’s farm store and enjoy historical displays. Dinner will be at 6pm followed by our keynote speaker.

Our speaker for the Saturday banquet will be Noah Strycker.  Noah is an ornithologist, 2004 ABA Young Birder of the Year, and global Big Year adventurer. His 2017 book, Birding Without Borders is a personal account of his epic quest in 2015 to see more than half of the planet’s bird species in a single year. We will have a limited number books available at the banquet for purchase, or you may bring your previously purchased copy for Noah to sign. We also look forward to birding with Noah on our field trips throughout the weekend.

Field Trips are still being finalized but will include the Green Door Farm property along the Cumberland, directly across the river from Bells Bend Park. Nearby birding hot spots Beaman Park and The Cumberland River Bicentennial Trail will most likely be on the menu as well.

For additional information contact Cyndi Routledge:                                                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Name(s)________________________________________________TOS Chapter________________

Address__________________________________________ Phone___________________________

_________________________________________________ e-mail___________________________

$_____ for _____Meeting Registrations @ $10 each                              Via Mail: Pam Lasley, NTOS Treasurer

$_____ for _____Dinner Reservations @ $35 each                                                  5886 Willshire Dr

$_____________Total payable to Nashville TOS                                                      Nashville, TN 37215

On-line payment: Click the yellow “Donate” Button here: Please include the above information in the note.  A Paypal account is NOT required. Contact for registration questions.

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