35 events found.
Join the fun at the Hummingbird and Pollinator Celebration at The Wilderness Station at Barfield Crescent Park in Murfreesboro, TN on Saturday, September 3, 2022. For all detail contact the Park
As anyone familiar with Middle Tennessee’s avifauna knows, the Duck River unit of the Tennessee NWR is one of the top birding hotspots in the region. By early September, shorebird migration should be in full swing, and wading birds (herons and egrets) should still be present in good numbers. Land bird migration should be ticking
After a break for summer our monthly meetings will resume on Thursday, September 15th at 7 pm with a program by Chris Sloan. Grab a friend and join us for what will be an excellent evening!! Everyone is welcome.
9/17, 7:30 am, Chris Sloan - leader Free of charge but you must sign up. Beaman Park Nature Center 5911 Old Hickory Boulevard Ashland City, Tennessee 37015 615-862-8580
The first of four NTOS Wednesday morning Radnor Lake Bird walks will take place on Wednesday, September 21st. This season marks the start of our 45th year doing continuous Wednesday walks. NTOS member and volunteer Jackie Corbin will be leading the charge that morning. Meet Jackie BY 7:30 am at the base of the Radnor
We hope that you will join other members of NTOS for our annual fall count. This important citizen science project allows us to track long-term population trends of species and can be a vital part of making informed conservation decisions…and the best part – no experience is necessary, just bring your enthusiasm and a pair
The second of four NTOS Wednesday morning Radnor Lake Bird walks will take place on Wednesday, September 28st. This season marks the start of our 45th year doing continuous Wednesday walks. TOS member and volunteer Shelley Smith will be leading the charge that morning. Meet Shelley BY 7:30 am at the base of the Radnor
The annual Fall TOS meeting will be hosted by the Kingsport Chapter and held on September 30 thru October 2nd. Information and registration for this event can be found at this link: https://tnbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Warbler-Aug22.pdf