42 events found.
The second of four NTOS Wednesday morning Radnor Lake Bird walks will take place on Wednesday, September 28st. This season marks the start of our 45th year doing continuous Wednesday walks. TOS member and volunteer Shelley Smith will be leading the charge that morning. Meet Shelley BY 7:30 am at the base of the Radnor
The annual Fall TOS meeting will be hosted by the Kingsport Chapter and held on September 30 thru October 2nd. Information and registration for this event can be found at this link: https://tnbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Warbler-Aug22.pdf
The third of four NTOS Wednesday morning Radnor Lake Bird walks will take place on Wednesday, October 5th. This season marks the start of our 45th year doing continuous Wednesday walks. NTOS member and volunteer Finn Goodwin-Bain will be leading the charge that morning. Meet Finn BY 7:30 am at the base of the Radnor
The final of four NTOS Wednesday morning Radnor Lake Bird walks will take place on Wednesday, October 12th. This season marks the start of our 45th year doing continuous Wednesday walks. NTOS member and volunteer Stacy Elliot will be leading the charge that morning. Meet Stacy BY 7:30 am at the base of the Radnor
Fall is a great time to explore the overgrown fields and forest edges of Bells Bend Park. Bells Bend is a premier location for sparrows, and by mid-October, we should encounter several species as they are either migrating through or returning to spend the winter. We’ll also search for any lingering neotropical migrants. The morning