35 events found.
Join NTOS as we celebrate spring with our annual Wednesday morning walks...the first is April 19th. Meet at 7:30 am in the west parking lot of Radnor Lake SP near the kiosks. Jerry Webb will be your leader today. We talk the same route each time so if you're running late or stuck in morning
Monthly Meeting - Radnor Lake Visitor's Center off Otter Creek Rd. 7 pm All welcome... Prrogram - Finn Goodwin-Bain – Bird Safe Nashville film Finn Goodwin-Bain, a recent graduate of Belmont University, made a short documentary film with the help of other Belmont students. This film, Bird Safe Nashville, is about birding, the decline of
Join NTOS as we celebrate spring with our annual Wednesday morning walks...our second walk is April 26th. . Meet at 7:30 am in the west parking lot of Radnor Lake SP near the kiosks. Tom Seador will be your leader today. We talk the same route each time so if you're running late or stuck
2023 TOS State Spring Meeting - Nashville, April 28-30, 2023 THE SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER AND KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY NOAH STRYCKER IS SOLD OUT. We still have plenty of room for the Friday night reception, Saturday and Sunday field trips and the Merlin/eBird 'how-to" seminar at Beaman Park on Saturday at 2 pm. We are pleased to