35 events found.
Join NTOS as we celebrate spring with our annual Wednesday morning walks...the third walk is May 3rd. Meet at 7:30 am in the west parking lot of Radnor Lake SP near the kiosks. Tim Ryan will be your leader today. We talk the same route each time so if you're running late or stuck in
Please join us for the annual spring bird count on Saturday, May 6th. We will be counting all of Davidson County and need your help. Please contact Barbara Harris, count coordinator - harrbarbara@bellsouth.net - and let her know you're interested in counting. She can put you in touch with an area leader or answer any
Saturday, May 6th – NTOS Spring Count In lieu of an organized field trip, we hope you will join our annual NTOS Spring Count: come team up with other birders as we visit the top hotspots in town during the peak of spring migration. All levels of experience are appreciated, and every bird counts, so
Join NTOS as we celebrate spring with our annual Wednesday morning walks...THE FINAL WALK FOR SPRING WILL BE MAY 10th.. Meet at 7:30 am in the west parking lot of Radnor Lake SP near the kiosks. Tim Ryan will be your leader today. We talk the same route each time so if you're running late
Monthly meeting at Radnor Lake Visitor's Center off Otter Creek Rd. 7 pm All welcome... Program - Ken Oeser – Birding the British Isles Ken Oeser will take us along on a trip he made in July, 2022 that covered Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England. Highlights include the highest point in the UK
This field trip has been cancelled. We were NOT able to gain access to Fort Campbell that day. We will try to reschedule in the future. Our apologies...