35 events found.
As anyone familiar with Middle Tennessee’s avifauna knows, the Duck River unit of the Tennessee NWR is one of the top birding hotspots in the region. By early September, shorebird migration should be in full swing, and wading birds (herons and egrets) should still be present in good numbers. Land bird migration should be ticking
Join NTOS as we begin yet another year of Wednesday morning Radnor Lake State Park FALL MIGRATION BIRD WALKS. Meet at 7:30 am in the parking lot outside the Visitor's Center by 7:30 am. Today your leader will be Melinda Welton. In case you're running late the route is always the same. Up the road,
Summer is all but over so it's time to FLOCK back together for our monthly meetings. And what better way than to kick-off a new year than to have a POT LUCK. We will meet at 6:30 pm bring your favorite pot luck dish and tales of your summer adventures to share. See you there!!
Join NTOS for the second of four Wednesday morning Radnor Lake State Park FALL MIGRATION BIRD WALKS. Meet at 7:30 am in the parking lot outside the Visitor's Center by 7:30 am. Today your leader will be Grant Winters. In case you're running late the route is always the same. Up the road, across the
The NTOS FALL bird count will take place on Saturday, September 30th, 2023. If you're interested in counting that day please contact Barbara Harris for more information or to sign up. harrbarbara@bellsouth.net Count days are always fun, a good way to learn about birds in our area and bird with other bird enthusiasts. You can