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FINAL 2025 Radnor Lake Spring Migration walk – May 14th

Join NTOS for our annual spring migration walk at Radnor Lake State Park.  The walk begins at 7:30 am on May 14th from the parking lot outside the Visitor's Center off Otter Creek Rd.  Look for the group to gather at the base of the parking lot.  The route is up the road, acros the

Monthly meeting – May 15th

Join us for our monthly meeting on Thursday, May 15th at 7 pm at the Radnor Lake Visitor's Center off Otter Creek Rd. We will have a short business meeting followed by the evening's Program... “Jammin’ in Jamaica” presented by Steve Lasley.

NTOS Field Trip – Saturday, May 17th

We will explore the fields and woods of Bells Bend Park in the hopes of locating not only all of the breeding birds found here (which include bobwhite, buntings, orioles, chat, yellowthroat, Prairie and Blue-winged Warblers, and in the last few years, Dickcissel), but also some of the later migrating warblers, flycatchers, and grassland birds

NTOS Field Trip – Saturday, June 7th

Located in northern Sumner County, Larkspur contains one of the finest examples of mature hardwood forest in our region, and together with the adjacent Nature Conservancy property at Taylor Hollow they support large numbers breeding tanagers, thrushes, and warblers, including Cerulean.  The area also contains a small cedar glade and several grassy fields which complete

Monthly meeting – June 19th

Join us for our monthly meeting on Thursday, June 19th at 7 pm.  We meet in the Visitor's Center at Radnor Lake State Park off Otter Creek Rd. We will have a short buisness meeting followed by the evening's program... “Zambia (or 6 Ways You Can Die Birding)” presented By Dr. David Kirschke