35 events found.
Join us for the third of 4 Wednesday morning spring migration walks at Radnor Lake State Park. Walks begin at 7:30 am outside the Visitor's Center off Otter Creek Rd. We take the same route each time so if you get caught in traffic or can't get there right at 7:30 am you can catch
In lieu of an organized field trip, we hope you will join our annual NTOS Spring Count: come team up with other birders as we visit the top hotspots in town during the peak of spring migration. All levels of experience are appreciated, and every bird counts, so please consider being a part of this
SPECIAL WEATHER NOTICE - The May 8th Radnor Lake migraton walk has been CANCELLED for safety reasons. With a greater than 70% chance for thunder, lightening and damaging winds and our desire to keep everyone safe we've made this decision tonight. We'll see everyone in the Fall for more migration adventures... Until then be safe!
Join us on May 16th at 7 pm for our monthly meeting. Tonight's program was previously postponed from January due to ice and snow. Graham Gerdeman will present: "Birding on Ice - A Winter Tour of Japan" Steller’s Sea Eagles gliding by at close range.. the mythi- cal dance of the Japanese Red-crowned Crane... spend-
Join us at Bells Bend Park in northern Davidson County for a migratory bird day celebration. There will be a bird hike at 5 am, and beginning at 9 am nature themed displays. Additonally thoughout the morning there will be a variety of speakers. So mark you calendars and join the fun!
Back by popular demand! We will tour this 200+ acre working organic farm which is nestled along the Cumberland River right across from Bells Bend Park. Featuring a mix of cedar forest, upland hardwoods, and large agricultural fields, it forms a habitat mosaic that should attract a wide variety of birds. We plan to hike