May 8th Radnor Walk – CANCELLED

May 7th, 2024|

The May 8th Radnor Lake migration walk has been CANCELLED due to the potential for dangerous storms. We regret this but want everyone to be safe so we're erring on the side of caution. We'll see you in the Fall for more migration walks. Thank you for understanding and be safe!

Colonial Waterbird Study HELP NEEDED…

April 25th, 2024|

David Hanni and Intern Maddy are collecting informaiton on their ongoing Colonial Waterbird Study.  If you know of an active Rookery in Tennessee, please send the latitude and longitude of said location to David at TWRA.  His address is The more eyes out there looking the more information we can gather. Thank you!!


January 4th, 2024|

The Great Backyard Bird Count will take place on FEBRUARY 16-19, 2024...we hope you'll take part in this world-wide citizen science project!  For more informaiton and details on how easy it is to participate check out this link...,learn%20more%20about%20the%20count.&text=Birds%20are%20everywhere%2C%20all%20the,%2C%20count%2C%20and%20celebrate%20birds.


September 7th, 2023|

Saturday, September 9th, Duck River Unit, TN NWR   By early September, shorebird migration should be in full swing, and wading birds (herons and egrets) should still be present in good numbers.  Land bird migration should be ticking up as well, and of course there’s always a chance for a rarity or two.  We will slowly drive around the refuge loop stopping often to scan various pools, bays, and pastures for birds.  For logistical reasons, carpooling is highly encouraged.  We’ll meet at the MTA Park-and-Ride in Bellevue at 6:15am or you can meet us at the refuge entrance at 8:00am.  Please dress for the (hot) weather and bring plenty of water and snacks.  We should finish up in the early afternoon.   Mike Smith, Hendersonville, TN

  • Black and White Warbler

2023 Fall TOS Meeting

July 9th, 2023|

2023 TOS Fall Meeting Please join the Chattanooga Chapter of TOS for our annual Fall Meeting on October 13-15, 2023 in Chattanooga.   Deadline for registration is September 1st so please don’t delay!  Hotel rooms fill up quickly as well so get yours reserved while they last.  Field trips information will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead. TOS 2023 Fall Meeting Details Registration Form We look forward to seeing YOU in Chattanooga this fall!