2022 CBC Lake Count
The Hickory-Priest CBC, covering an area east of Nashville, was held on January 1, 2023. Twenty-six (26) birders in 4 parties tallied 98 species. This is slightly above the mid-low 90s average for this count. Mild weather - morning fog giving way to balmy skys, plus good participation made for a successful count. No rare loons were found, with Eared Grebe and Lapland Longspur among the few unusual species found. Thanks to all who came out to help and start the year off with some good birding! Special thanks to Scott Block as spreadsheet master/ co-compiler. 2022 CBC Lake Count
Annual Spring TOS meeting – Nashville in 2023!
2023 TOS State Spring Meeting-Nashville, April 28-30, 2023 - SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER IS SOLD OUT! We are pleased to announce that the Nashville chapter of TOS will be hosting the Annual Spring TOS State Meeting, April 28-30, 2023. Friday night registration and reception will be held at the conference hotel, The Hampton Inn Ashland City, from 5-7:30 pm. The Saturday afternoon board meeting will be held at Bells Bend Outdoor Center at 4187 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville, 37218 The Hampton Inn Ashland City is located at 1609 Hwy 12 South, Ashland City, 37015. Phone: 615-845-1609 The hotel is reserving a block of rooms for TOS members through March 28, 2023 at a special rate of $139 for King or Queen. Link to reserve your room here: Tennessee Ornithological Society (hilton.com) If you call for reservation, please mention that you are a TOS member and confirm the special rate. Breakfast is included.
Duck River Bottoms Field Trip – Saturday, November 12th
Duck River NWR, Saturday, November 12th. We will continue our annual tradition of visiting Duck River just before the seasonal closure of the refuge. By mid-November, hordes of geese and ducks should be returning to the refuge, and we have the chance to spot over 20 species. Duck River also hosts a large population of wintering raptors and we’ll be on the lookout for eagles, harriers, hawks, and falcons. Duck River is also very good for sparrows, and we’ll have the chance to find at least 10 species – we will have an optional sparrow stomp though some marshy fields for LeConte’s sparrow and others. For logistical reasons, carpooling is highly encouraged. We’ll meet at the MTA Park-and-Ride in Bellevue and leave at 6:15am; you can also meet us at the refuge entrance kiosk at 8:00am. Please dress for the weather and bring plenty of water and snacks. If you wish
2022 Fall Count Results
The 2022 Fall Count Results NTOS conducts bird counts in the spring and fall as well as participates in the annual Audubon Christmas bird counts. Everyone is invited to help out. For information on spring and fall counts contact Barbara Harris – harrbarbara@bellsouth.net and to help with the Christmas count contact Cyndi Routledge – routledges@bellsouth.net. Check out the results! 2022 Fall Count Results 2022 Fall Count Effort
RECOVERING AMERICA’S WILDLIFE ACT is still waiting to be brought to the Senate floor for a vote. NOW is the time to call our two Tennessee Senator’s….Bill Hagerty is a signatory on the Bill so please when you contact him remember to THANK him for and encourage him to vote yes when the bill comes to the floor. Regarding Marsha Blackburn, please encourage her to vote yes…so far she has not expressed an opinion on the Bill. Please call or email them at….www.blackburn.senate.gov and www.hagerty.senate.gov. Blackburn’s office can be reached at 202-224-3344 Hagerty’s office can be reached at 202-224-4944 PLEASE DO IT TODAY…YOUR CALL OR EMAIL WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE for wildlife in Tn. Thank you.
ACTION ALERT….immediate attention needed!
After passing in the House of Representatives this summer, the Recovering America's Wildlife Act (RAWA) is about to become law — it just needs one final push. If passed, RAWA will provide a major funding increase for state, territory, and tribal conservation programs – a huge win for birds and other declining wildlife.With a final victory so close, we need to raise our voices even louder. Please take the next step for declining birds and wildlife by calling your U.S. Senators today (script included).