January 18th, 2022|

January 22nd – Wheeler NWR, Decatur, AL: Just over an hour and a half south of Nashville (and a straight shot down I-65), lies Wheeler NWR in Decatur, AL.  Positioned at the southern end of the U-shaped Tennessee River Valley, it is a key wintering site for waterbirds.  Long famous for its staggering numbers of wintering Sandhill Cranes, it is also home to large numbers of ducks, geese, white pelicans, and gulls.   One of the main targets will be Whooping Crane, several of which can typically be found amongst the horde of Sandhills and at least six individuals are currently present as of this writing.  After enjoying the crane show, we will work our way around Wheeler Lake, stopping to scan at several key locations as well as to grab lunch. We will meet at the Wheeler Visitor’s Center at 9:00 a.m., For those wishing to carpool from Nashville (which is

January 20th NTOS meeting has been cancelled

January 11th, 2022|

Due to the uptick in COVID cases in Tennessee and our January speaker postponing her to a later date, the January 20th NTOS has been cancelled.   We will make all attempts to move forward with our February 17th meeting. Until then, stay well and be safe. Cyndi Routledge, President

“CBC Lake Count” RESCHEDULED due to weather

December 29th, 2021|

Due to inclement weather forecast for Saturday Jan. 1st, the Hickory-Priest 'lake' CBC will be run on FRIDAY Dec. 31. If you had planned to participate in this Nashville area count, please make note of the change. Thank you, Richard Connors TNHP count coordinator email: didymops07@gmail.com or rconnorsphoto@aol.com text: 615-330-7142

TOS Annual Spring Meeting – Memphis, Tennessee – April 22-24, 2022

December 15th, 2021|

2022 TOS SPRING STATE MEETING MEMPHIS, TENNEESSEE, APRIL 22 – 24, 2022 The Memphis chapter invites all TOS members to the Spring Meeting, to be held April 22 – 24, 2022. Friday night registration, the Board of Director’s meeting on Saturday, and Saturday dinner and program will all be held in the conference room immediately adjacent to the hotel. The meeting hotel is the Plantation Oaks Suites and Inn, 6656 Hwy 51N. From I-40, take exit 24B. Go 16 miles to Hwy 51. Go left on Hwy 51 for 2.2 miles. The hotel will be on the left. A block of rooms is being held for us at a rate of $74.95 per night, king or double beds. A light breakfast is available beginning at 6 AM. Reservations: 901-872-8000, 901-872-8802 or 888-422-1459. Email: jaime.plantationoaks@ gmail.com or plantationoaksmillington@gmail.com. Fax: 901-872-1000. All field trips will depart from the hotel. Saturday destinations will include:

NTOS Meeting – December 16th at 7 pm

December 9th, 2021|

Please join the Nashville chapter of TOS for our monthly meeting on Thursday, Dec 16 at the Radnor Lake State Park visitor’s center, 1160 Otter Creek Road. We will gather at 7:00 and the meeting will start at 7:15. Ken Oeser will be giving this month’s program. He will share photos from his trip through the many diverse habitats of Peru and parts of Bolivia. His travels included the coastal areas near Lima and the jungle destinations of Manu National Park and the Heath River Wildlife Center on the border of Bolivia. He spent time in the highlands from Cusco to many Mayan ruins all the way to Machu Picchu. On this journey, he saw an amazing 333 bird species in Peru and 115 species in Bolivia, as well as many mammals. Our treasurer, Pam Lasley, wanted to remind everyone that NTOS dues are payable annually on Jan 1. She will