NTOS will participate in Audubon's 122nd annual Christmas Bird Count once again this year!! Our 'land' count will take place on Saturday, December 18th and the 'lake' count on January 1, 2022. If you're interested in participating in one or both counts please contact Cyndi Routledge - routledges@bellsouth.net and she'll make it happen. It's always a fun and exciting time...friends and birds, there's nothing better!!
Your ACTION is needed NOW!
ACTION ALERT OCTOBER 11, 2021 "Recovering America's Wildlife Act 2021" “A bill to amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act to make supplemental funds available for management of fish and wildlife species of greatest conservation need as determined by State fish and wildlife agencies, and for other purposes” has been introduced in both the U. S. House of Representatives (HR – 2773) and the U. S. Senate (S.2372). The bill is known by its short title “Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2021.” The Senate version currently has 28 co-sponsors (14 Republicans, 13 Democrats and 1 Independent), while the House version currently has 128 co-sponsors (96 Democrats and 29 Republicans). The Act would provide 1.3
Results of 2021 Fall Bird Count
Here are the results of the fall 2021 count for Davidson and surrounding areas. Highlights were a ruddy turnstone in the Old Hickory area, a handful of red-headed woodpeckers in Cheatham County, and an influx of blue jays everywhere. 58 members took part in the count. Canada Goose 143 Wood Duck 18 Gadwall 4 American Wigeon 1 Mallard 235 Blue-winged Teal 41 Lesser Scaup 1 Wild Turkey 72 Pied-billed Grebe 8 Double-crested Cormorant 162 American White Pelican 5 Great Blue Heron 46 Great Egret 37 Green Heron 2 Black-crowned Night-Heron 2 Black Vulture 170 Turkey Vulture 60 Osprey 5 Northern Harrier 1 Cooper's Hawk 6 Accipiter Species 1 Bald Eagle 5 Red-shouldered Hawk 12 Red-tailed Hawk 14 American Coot 69 Killdeer 94 Spotted Sandpiper 5 Solitary Sandpiper 1 Ruddy Turnstone 1 Ring-billed Gull 41 Rock Pigeon 133 Eurasian Collared-Dove 2 Mourning Dove 124 Yellow-billed Cuckoo 6 Eastern Screech-Owl 3 Great Horned
Call for Volunteer at the Purple Martin Roost in Nashville…
Warner Park is looking for volunteers to visit the Purple Martin roost in downtown Nashville nightly, to monitor activity educate the public and report observations back to Warner Park. Information and sign-up forms can be found at this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4da5ac2da3f8c34-purple1 Additional information can be obtained by contacting Warner Park.
Spectacular Purple Martin Show is underway in Nashville…
The annual spectacular gathering of Purple Martins is underway in the trees outside the Nashville Symphony. In 2020,an estimated 100,000-150,000 martins roosted in trees around the Nashville Symphony Center (36.1601, -86.7762) and this year is shaping up to be even more incredible. The Martin will continue to gather there through early September. They begin swirling in about 30 minutes before sunset and continue until dark when the last of them drop in for htenight. It's a sight to behold and we invite you to come out and enjoy nature's show.
Good news for a change…
The Growing Climate Solutions Act (GCSA) was passed by the Senate on 6/24/2021. The bill creates a new program to self-certify technical assistance providers and third-party verifiers for the agriculture and forestry sectors for voluntary actions that are intended to reduce the amount of air and carbon pollution and for processes to naturally store carbon. The legislation seeks to address barriers to entry for landowners trying to access voluntary carbon markets, and encourages practices guided by science, while also refining protocols that account for additionality, permanence, and potential leakage. To read more click on the link below… https://www.audubon.org/news/bipartisan-bill-addressing-pollution-working-lands-and-economic-support