Import Action Alert
HELP SAVE THE MIGRATORY BIRD PROTECTION ACT The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) has been one of our nation’s most effective bird conservation laws for over 100 years. During the last administration, a new federal rule severely weakened the MBTA, ending enforcement of a provision that holds industry accountable for bird deaths. Recently a new act has been proposed by some members of Congress to restore and expand the protections provided by the MBTA. The Migratory Bird Protection Act would regulate incidental bird mortalities by requiring mitigation fees for unavoidable impacts, and encouraging the use of best practices to reduce bird mortality. Please click on this action link to ask your Representative and Senators to be original co-sponsors of the Migratory Bird Protection Act now! Tell Congress to Protect Migratory Birds! (
Fall Bird Count
Contact Barbara Harris for more information.
NTOS Launches Website
NTOS is excited to announce the launch of our website! Bookmark our page and visit often for Events News Current trips Bird related topics
Congrats to our New Volunteers
President - Cyndi Routledge 1st VP & Programs - Susie Russenberger (committed for one term expiring 08/31/22) 2nd VP & Field Trips - Mike Smith Secretary - Margie Dunham Treasurer - Pam Lasley State Directors 2020- Aug. 2022 - Angie Elmore and Ken Oeser (already in place and will continue to serve) 2021- Aug. 2023 - Amy Pardo, Jerry Webb and Hugh Barger Committee Chairs Curator - Susan Hollyday Legislative Affairs - Melinda Welton Media Coordinator - Rick Blanton (committed for one term expiring 8/31/22) Finance – seeking a volunteer Membership - Steve Routledge Middle TN Bird Records - Stephen Zipperer (official TOS position) Legislative Affairs - Melinda Welton If there are any additional nominations or someone would like to volunteer for the open positions please contact Cyndi Routledge – The official election will take place next month in accordance with our By-laws.